Tuesday, February 3, 2009

The Story of Us

Ok...so I feel like the best place to start this whole thing is with Nathan and I. We have been dating for 11 months now....hard to believe....but lets start at the beginning.
I met Nathan 8 years ago when I was a senior in high school. I had just become friends with Will and he introduced me to Nathan. They had known each other since t-ball:) I can still clearly remember standing by Will's locker and seeing Nathan stroll up to us. If you know him...you know what I mean by "stroll." Anyways, so Will introduced us and I remember thinking that he seemed really confident for a junior (yes he is a year younger than me). So time went on and Will and I became really close which meant Nathan was around all the time as well. By the time my senior year was over, the three of us were inseparable.
That summer we went to Rockport with Will's family for his 18th birthday thus beginning our love for PAt Green's "Three Days," and all-you-can-eat chicken fried steaks at the Big Fishermen(nathan ate 5).
So then came August and I left Austin for my first year of college at Mary Hardin-Baylor. I WAS MISERABLE! I had just found the best friends I had ever had in my entire life and I was ripped away from them to this horrible small town called Belton. So, I came home every weekend and spent ungodly hours on the cell phone.
The friendships continued to grow.
Did I mention that by now Nathan was dating a girl named Christina?
Ok, so I would come home every weekend to hang with my fam, Will and Nate. And somehow I was constantly suckered into letting Christina stay at my house each night while she was in town from Houston. We all had so much fun. My friends at school just couldn't understand me wanting to go home all the time....it was bc of my boys:)

Skip ahead 3 years to 2005- Nathan and Christina break up...we become even closer....still at school.
One more year- Nathan graduates early from UT and moves to San Diego to get his masters in Bioengineering.

December of 2006- I graduate from UMHB and move back to Austin to find a teaching job. Move in with mom and dad for a few months. So this is when I started attending Great Hills Baptist and met Scott and Seth. We became fast friends since we were all new to the group/ they were new to Austin and I had just moved back.

For Spring Break I went to San D to visit Nate for a week. We had a blast! Went to LA and everything....
Come home, Seth and I date for a short period of time.

So as usual I am still super close to Will and Nate. It is so hard though bc Will is at Baylor and Nate is in Cali....but we stay close.
So after Seth and I broke up I decided I should keep with tradition and go to San D for Spring Break again.... And that's when Nathan and I started dating.

We had spent so many years getting to know each other/ sharing life with each other without even knowing what the future would hold for us. It is so cool to see how God works! Neither one of us had spent time miserable or wishing we were dating...but when the timing was right it was like God said "Ok...now it's your time."
We started dating March 7th and spent the next 4 months flying back and forth between san diego and austin almost every weekend:) so much fun....
After my last day of school last May I flew out with a one-way ticket and we moved him home to Austin. Of course we had to stop in Vegas for a few nights first;)
Now here we are, 8 years of friendship, almost a year of dating..
Sorry this post is so long.....but I'm sure he will be mentioned alot in my writing and you have to know what its all about! I love you Nate!


Les said...

So glad you two are together... and Derryk LOVES the Big Fisherman! I didn't know we shared that!

Anonymous said...

i forgot about all those trips to california last spring. your weekends always sounded so much more exciting!! =)